Service provider management

in-house pros with a user-friendly app
Designed with usability in mind, Worktec provides your in-house professionals with a streamlined interface, ensuring seamless task management, efficient communication, and effective job tracking. Accessible on both desktop and mobile devices without the need for software installation.
Add 3rd party providers with ease
Worktec lets you bring together in-house technicians, existing contractors, and outsourced providers into one streamlined workflow. Just send them a single link to join the platform. They can review your terms, rates, and sign a digital agreement.
Utilize the power of contractor network
Stimulate competitive pricing among providers with intelligent order distribution. Minimize the risks associated with a single contractor dependency, improve control over SLAs, and identify opportunities to extend your geographic coverage or add new product categories.
Expand your provider network
at no extra cost
Benefit from hand-picked service provider recommendations tailored to your specific needs, such as location, pricing, and trade requirements. This personalized sourcing service comes at no extra cost with your Worktec subscription.
Explore more tools for your business
Service provider
Streamline your team's workflow with a single platform for in-house and outsourced providers.
Intelligent order
Cut costs and improve service quality with automated job assignment system.
Enhance your service delivery with integrated feedback systems, pricing assurance, photo reports and more..
Secure your communications with call recording and contact number masking.
& invoicing
Simplify your payment process with automated invoicing and consolidated payment options.
On-site payments
& upselling
Boost flexibility and increase revenue with secure on-site payments and upselling opportunities.
booking widget
Enhance online sales
with an easy-to-use,
customer-focused booking widget.
web app
Keep customers satisfied with
real-time updates and integrated communication tools.