
Professional SaaS
Supported modules
Service Provider Management
Streamline your team's workflow with a single platform for in-house and outsourced providers.
Intelligent Order Distribution
Cut costs and improve service quality with automated job assignment system.
Quality Control
Enhance your service delivery with integrated feedback systems, pricing assurance, photo reports and more..
Consumer-facing booking widget
Enhance online sales with an easy-to-use, customer-focused booking widget.
Consumer Web App
Keep customers satisfied with real-time updates and integrated communication tools.
Provider compensation & invoicing
Simplify your payment process with automated invoicing and consolidated payment options.
On-site payments & upselling
Boost flexibility and increase revenue with secure on-site payments and upselling opportunities.
Optional call recording
Per order
Optional payments processing
On-site payments processing
One-window service for provider
payments (bulk payments)
Set-up fee
Subscription fee
Usage based fee (per order)
200 - 350 orders/month
351 - 500 orders/month
501 - 1000 orders/month
1001 - 1500 orders/month
1501 - 2000 orders/month
2001 - 3000 orders/month
3001 - 5000 orders/month
5001 - 10000 orders/month
Over 10 000 orders/month
Lifetime License
On-premise license with the ability to modify the code
Supported modules
Service Provider Management
Intelligent Order Distribution
Streamline your team's workflow with a single platform for in-house and outsourced providers.
Cut costs and improve service quality with automated job assignment system.
Quality Control
Enhance your service delivery with integrated feedback systems, pricing assurance, photo reports and more..
Consumer-facing booking widget
Enhance online sales with an easy-to-use, customer-focused booking widget.
Consumer Web App
Keep customers satisfied with real-time updates and integrated communication tools.
Provider compensation & invoicing
Simplify your payment process with automated invoicing and consolidated payment options.
On-site payments & upselling
Boost flexibility and increase revenue with secure on-site payments and upselling opportunities.
Licensing terms
All SaaS functionality
On-premise installation on your servers
24/7 tech support
Ability to modify the code
No subscription fees
Important notes
Worktec is efficient for companies with 200+ monthly installation orders. If you have less than 200 installation & assembly orders per month, and still want to use Worketec, please contact us.
Payment plans can be changed every 6 months.
Subscription and support prices exclude sales tax where applicable.